Wilderness Road Blockhouse

June 8, 9, & 15


Natural Tunnel State Park

1420 Natural Tunnel Parkway, Duffield VA 24244

Learning Opportunity


2 p.m. - 4 p.m.


Rachel Blevins

The Blockhouse was built in the spring of 1775 on the North Fork of the Holston River by John Anderson. His fortified home became a landmark along the road west, the Wilderness Road, which was marked by Daniel Boone and 30 ax men. Over the next thirty years, some 300,000 people passed Anderson's home on their journey through the Cumberland Gap and on into what would become the state of Kentucky, and further westward. Tour a replica of the Anderson Blockhouse as members of the Daniel Boone Wilderness Trail Association provide information about the history of the building and area. Discover who John Anderson was and why his home was important to the frontier. This is a free program open to everyone. No pets allowed inside of the Blockhouse. For more information about the association visit http://www.danielboonetrail.com BACK TO ALL EVENTS