Project Fidgit Blanket

Saturday, June 8th


Glade Spring Library, a Branch of the Washington County Public Library System

305 North Glade Street, Glade Spring, VA 24340

Learning Opportunity
Participatory Event


12:00 Noon


Tonia Kestner

Project Fidgit Blanket, presented by Nancy Williams, is an interactive/workshop and event for the community. These blankets will be sent to nursing homes or centers with patients who are struggling with dementia, Alzheimer's, ADHD, ADD, brain trauma or stroke. Fidgit blankets help to occupy restless hands and minds. This event is free and open to all ages. We are using repurposed and recycled material which is of local influence such as Alpaca yarns, crocheted laces, and locally dyed fabrics. BACK TO ALL EVENTS